Please help with wiring,69 cougar

1969 mercury cougar convertible car is not an xr7. How ever the car is loaded with options including the car is a GT. The wiring is xr7. I don’t no if wiring came from factory or in the past somebody changed the wiring. The car has been in storage since 70s. I’m restoring the car I have questions about rodents damage to wiring there is a plain red wire an I can’t find the other red wire to connect an where does wire go to. An please look at black ground wire broken loose from fuse block. How can this be repaired? See photo. Thanks

See photo

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I’ll try to resize photo

Thank you xr7. I resized photo an it worked

That broken thick blackish wire is either ACC or the BATT (most likely) input into the fuse box. The input lead to the two clip in the center top in your picture is where it goes. Once that lead breaks, you’ll either have to solder it on or find a replacement lead with fuse clips attached.

I also see a red wire tapped into the dash lamps (blue/red).

I will look at the dash. That wire in photo out of fuse block is solid red I don’t see any stripes on wire. Unless stripe is rubbed off that I no longer see. That’s the reason I was asking to see where wire goes. Thank you for a starting point

Go and get this, It’s free from WCCC.

That red wire (with no stripe) is an added on wire by someone that taps into the dash lamp circuitry. Since it is not stock, your guess as to where it goes is as good as mine.