Hilarious comment from a stranger yesterday

So I needed a couple of items to finish up a project I was working on for my son. I popped my head in the house and yelled to the wife I was going to the hardware store. It was 73 degrees and bright an sunny so it was perfect weather to take my 68 out for a short drive. I no sooner started it that my wife came out and said she wanted to go for a ride too. Well I got what I needed and my next stop was a local tobacco shop to grab a couple of cigars. As we pulled up there was a 90’s yellow S-10 Blazer with a young driver in it. I pull along side and he looks out his drivers window looks at my car and then proceeds to say to my wife “Thanks for making me feel like I’m sitting in a big pile of poop”! We both just cracked up. :laughing:


Glad you made someone’s day.

LMAO, that’s funny right there.

This type of stuff does NOTHING but pad your post count!

Or… so I’ve been told.

Somebody must not be getting enough fiber???

Only if you care about such things… :bloated:

Haven’t seen one of them there padded post counts for a long time

You can get padding for your posts?? Does it help keep them warmer than usual? Or is it because they have sharp edges that can be a hazard to someone?
Do they have to be in Day-Glo-Orange?

Bricklyn - I want to tell you I leave my post unpadded, but if I do the I might be accused of padding my post and I don’t want that. A real conundrum for me. BTW me and the Mrs. are still chuckling. Oooops there I go again!

Or yours…
or mine.