Bad news


So sorry to hear of your misfortune. I’d say have a good body shop with a frame machine have a look. I’m betting they can pull it back to where it belongs and then it’s just sheet metal replacement (and a much deserved full paint job I say!). That’s what I am hoping, talk to Bill Pratt regarding how to deal with the insurance company on this sort of thing (dunno if your insurance situation is the same as his or not).

Hope you are okay as well! You being okay is of course the most important thing but I know where your head is at and that is why I talk about the car first!



Not to defend her really, but she (1) may not know how to get ahold of you to check (does she have your phone number?); and/or (2) she might be afraid that you’ll be ugly and belligerent because she caused the accident and she’s the non-confrontational type. :open_mouth: If I nailed somebody’s classic car, I very well might be hesitant to contact the owner personally…

Well said. I’ve seen many vehicle accidents in my career and parties not talking or checking on each other is quite common. I really think it might be from the fear of saying something that might be used in a lawsuit against you. Just my opinion.

Jody hopefully you can come out ok with your vert and get her back on the road. If not will there be a second Copycat vert?

Was the mini van driving b**** talking on her cell phone, or even worse texting? Other drivers scare the crap out of me, especially when I am out in the Cougar. At one point yesterday other drivers had my heart pounding. We are surrounded by non attentive idiots out there!

Jody, I will donate a core rear bumper to Don on your behalf if you purchase a rechrome bumper from him and don’t have a core already. Just let me know if you need it. I also want to see this car saved.

BTW, Jody, I think we all keep forgetting that you’re an attorney (if I’m recalling correctly) so you probably already have a good idea how to navigate a situation like this. Our biggest help to you is likely to be with parts or information, I’m guessing.

I too have some spare parts laying around and would be happy to help if I can.

DANG!!! I haven’t been on all weekend, and I open up to this atrocity.

  1. Glad you are ok, Jody.
  2. The car can be replaced/fixed/otherwise compensated for.
  3. Glad you are ok.

Crap! that really sucks! Glad you are Ok Jody. Go on vacation for a few days away from this site and I come back to this :frowning:
Looks like most of the impact was up higher which is actually good and less likely to bend the frame rails or buckle the floor. very good sign that the doors still open and close. I bet once the damage Q panel is cut out they can grab on to the upper part of the tail panel and pull the buckle out of the other Q panel. Looks very fixable to me. Also check to make sure the axle isn’t bent. I’m sure the rim took the blunt of the hit which is good also and spun you around and absorbed some of the energy then her bumper slide down the Q panel.

I think you were targeted for putting that silly bird sticker on the trunk :unamused:

Wow! So sorry, a car like this is a very personal loss… I think it will repair just fine. I put a fair amount of miles on that car myself years ago, was it 2002 when I owned it?

I havn’t been on all weekennd or this week till today. I can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said. I can only say I am sorry for your misfortune and am glad your OK.

I’m back now after spending the last three days at Camp RoKiLiO (scout camp). We had a great time and it really helped clear my head. The adjuster for my insurance company is coming over this afternoon to look at the car. Well see how that goes.

Don: I think I bought the car from you in 2004. Assuming the car will be getting fixed, you can expect lots of phone calls.

Others: thanks for all the offers for parts and emotional support. This really helps soften the blow.

I received a copy of the accident report today and it is completely consistent with my recollection of what occurred. The driver of the minivan was on her cell phone when she simply drove into the side of my car. She was cited for inattentive driving and failure to yield. What’s worse is that according to court records, she was just found guilty of the exact same thing not even two weeks prior to crashing into me. I don’t know if that case involved a collision, but you’d think she would have learned her lesson regardless. Apparently, she’s in her early 70’s, but I can’t find much sympathy for her-- considering that she was making a turn into a convenience store parking lot where she could have sat on her phone all day without causing harm. Instead, her damn phone call cost me my Cougar and could have killed me. The upside is that I can’t imagine that her insurance company will be stupid enough to try fighting me on this claim.

Never doubt the stupidity of insurance companies. My in-laws were hit head on by a woman under the influence and they fought that one.

X 2 on what Bill said. You can never tell what they are thinking when it comes to paying out a claim. I hope everything goes smooth in your case.

This morning I met with the owner of the bodyshop that will be doing all of the repair work and he was very optimistic. He even has some experience with convertible conversions from having helped complete a Mustang conversion a few years ago. I made him promise not to laugh at any of my welding and he offered to clean things up for me while he’s into it. Now it’s a waiting game for the final go-ahead from the insurance company.

Good luck, man! Will be good to see that back on the road.

OMG! A 70 year old woman on a cell phone! Why is it legal for ANYONE to use a cell phone while driving!?

Here in Wisconsin, texting while driving is illegal, but cell phone use is not, unless it actually interferes with driving, in which case it just falls under the general “inattentive driving” statute. The penalties for these violations are too soft to actually discourage people from using phones- especially older folks who for some reason feel compelled to answer their phones every damn time it rings.

I’m glad to hear that your car will be repaired.