68 Shoulder Belt Location

I currently only have the lap belt installed in my 68 xr7. My wife wants me and my son to start using shoulder belts. I’m looking for verification of where the shoulder belt is mounted, and pictures of how it is stored with the belt/coat hanger.

My car has the headliner installed now, so before I start poking holes, can anyone verify for me?

Here is a picture of my car before I did all the interior work. Is it the hole with the arrow?

Yes, and the two holes just above the driver seat are for the hook that secures the belt. The two holes near the bolt hole with the red arrow are for the coat hook.

Suggest that you look at a 1968 Cougar with all these elements in place so you will understand. Also install fasteners in each hole before installing the headliner so they can be easily found.

Thank you. Looking for 68 interior pictures.

The Jim Osborne 1968 Cougar interior installation manual reprint is pretty useful. Look here at pages 5, 6 and 7 for example.


I have been able to find this online. I wish I had one with the shoulder belt held up by the clip.
Does this image look correct?